Tamil Nadu Keeladi Excavation : An Urban Settlement of Sangam Age on the bank of Vaigai River Keeladi Excavation A turning point in the cultural historiography of Sangam Age Keeladi Civilization/Culture of 2600 years old The six carbon samples collected from the fourth season (2018) of excavations at Keeladi have been sent to Beta Analytic Lab, Miami, Florida, USA for AMS [Accelerator Mass Spectrometry] dating and the reports have been received. The sample collected at the depth of 353 cm goes back to 580 BCE. The Keeladi cultural deposit could be safely dated between 6th century BCE and 1st century CE. After analyzing the AMS dates obtained from Keeladi excavations, Prof.K.Rajan, a noted archaeologist, felt that the recent excavations at Keeladi present strong evidence to some of the hitherto held hypotheses. The results suggest that the urbanization of Vaigai plains happened in Tamil Nadu around 6th century BCE as happened in Gangetic pla...