
Showing posts from February 28, 2022

what is advantages of fenugreek?

  Fenugreek may be able to help reduce the risk of:   cancer  diabetes  obesity  high  cholesterol  high blood pressure  heart conditions  bacterial, fungal, and viral infection's  inflammation   However, using or consuming compounds in fenugreek may cause uterine contractions during pregnancy and worsen hormone-sensitive types of cancer.  Some of these nutrients include:  choline  inositol  biotin  vitamin  A  B vitamins  vitamin D  soluble and insoluble fiber  iron.  People have used fenugreek for hundreds of years to treat conditions ranging from unstable blood sugar to low testosterone.   While it may have health benefits, fenugreek cannot cure any condition. A doctor should assess all symptoms as soon as possible to prevent complications.   People, particularly those with chronic conditions and lactating women, should speak with a doctor before starting fenugreek ...

what is the advantages of cumin ?

   Description of cumin :   Cumin  is a leafy plant that grows low to the ground in China, India, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean region. The fruit of the plant is called the cumin seed, and it’s popular all over the world as a spice. Cumin has become the subject of medical research, as anecdotal evidence claims it has all kinds of health benefits.   Most of cumin’s claimed benefits have to do with your digestion, immune system, and circulation. Some benefits of cumin can be demonstrated with clinical studies, while some remain hard to prove.  1. Contains antioxidants :   Cumin seeds contain naturally occurring substances that work as antioxidants. That means that these substances  keep the tiny free radicals that attack healthy cells from being successful. Antioxidants help you feel healthier and more energetic, and they help keep your skin from looking aged.  2. Has anticancer properties :   Cumin appears to have the ability to ...

what is benefits of manila tamarind?

   Health And Beauty Benefits Of Manila Tamarind :   Campanile is a native of Southern Mexico, South America and Central America. In India, it is known as Manila tamarind fruit. Manila tamarind has no relation to well-known molasses colored tamarind. It is an acrid organic fruit with a novel taste and has a broad spectrum of health benefits. The natives used Manila tamarind in various traditional medicines ranging from bronchitis, diarrhea, hemorrhage, sores, and liver problem.   Health Benefits Of Manila Tamarind:  Manages toothaches, sore gums and mouth ulcers.   Works as an antiseptic  The abundance of vitamin C in Manila tamarinds, boost the immune system and reduces phlegm.  The bark extract is used to cure dysentery and chronic diarrhea.  Its high thiamine content, promote the body to convert sugars into energy, which impacts the mood and helps stabilize stress levels.  According to a study published in the  Journal of...

what is the benefits of lemon water?

  How to make lemon water :   In order to reap any health benefits of lemon water, you need to drink it consistently, and you need more than just a single wedge of lemon in your mug.   When making lemon water, always use fresh lemons rather than artificial lemon from a bottle.   To make lemon water, squeeze half a lemon into 8 ounces of warm or cold water. To make the drink as healthy as possible, use filtered water and organic lemons.   Infuse more flavor or add a health boost to lemon water by adding:  a few springs of mint  a teaspoon of maple syrup or raw honey  a slice of fresh ginger  a dash of cinnamon  a sprinkle of turmeric    You can also add slices of other fresh citrus fruits such as limes and oranges, or cucumber slices.   Always wash the produce well before slicing and using.     Having lemon ice cubes on hand is a great way to add lemon to your water fast. Simply squeeze fresh lemon juice into...

What Are The Health Benefits Of Black Rice?

What Is Black Rice/Forbidden Rice?       Black rice is the name of a range of rice that belongs to the  Orsay sativa  L. species. This indica species of rice grows best in tropical zones like China, Japan, Korea, Myanmar, and North East India. The two main varieties of black rice found in the market are Indonesian black rice and Thai jasmine black rice.     The fact that rice is consumed in high quantities in Asian countries has been found to be associated with their lower rates of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. This phenomenon has been credited to the high antioxidant content of black rice.    Since black rice has a pigmented bran fraction, its extracts are used as a natural coloring agent in foods like bread and liquor.      As for the name ‘forbidden rice’, there is a lot of speculation about its origin. However, the most popular (and plausible) reasoning is that it was reserved only for Chinese royalty and common folk ...

How do protect of ozone layer?

The ozone layer:  The ozone layer is a natural layer of gas in the upper atmosphere that protects humans and other living things from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.   Although ozone is present in small concentrations throughout the atmosphere, most (around 90%) exists in the stratosphere, a layer 10 to 50 kilometers above the Earth’s surface. The ozone layer filters out most of the sun's harmful UV radiation and is therefore crucial to life on Earth.   World governments agreed in the late 1980s to protect the Earth’s ozone layer by phasing out ozone-depleting substances emitted by human activities, under the Montreal Protocol. In Europe, the Protocol is implemented through EU-wide legislation that not only meets its objectives but also contains stricter, more ambitious measures. Global action taken under the Montreal Protocol has halted the depletion of the ozone layer and allowed it to start recovering, but much remains to be done to ensure a steady rec...