Aloe vera benefits


Benefits of (Katrazhai) Aloe vera:

1. Helps to boosts the immune system:

    Beverages made from aloe vera  juice possess natural detoxifying properties that effectively cleanse the digestive system and the circulatory system. As the absorption level of nutrients accelerates, it results in better blood circulation and also improves the body’s nutritional quality within the cells.

When the blood is oxygen rich, it automatically provides nutrients within the cells more proficiently. These healthy cells ensure body’s ability to ward off infections, thereby strengthening the immune system. 

It has the capability to neutralize harmful bacteria. Its rejuvenating properties work within the body to keep it fresh and active throughout the day. Many studies have shown that these antitumor and immune-modulatory properties are due to aloe vera polysaccharides.


2. Helps in curing dermatitis:

     Aloe vera has been used for skin ailments since ancient times. The pure inner gel extracted from the katrazhai leaf is the best natural remedy for skin abrasions and it also helps to diminish the symptoms of aging skin conditions. 

Many topical skin care products and even personal care products, toiletries, and skin cosmetics include katrazhai extract. It also helps in curing stings, rashes, acne, and psoriasis.


3. Helps in curing wounds:

   Aloe has been considered a natural healer ever since it was discovered thousands of years ago. If used externally, it is the best option for wound dressing. 

In fact, in many cases it is seen that aloe works like magic, even in the most serious of emergency room wound cases. The juice instantly seals the wound while drawing the flow of blood to the wound, thus enhancing the process of wound healing. 

In many studies, it has been proven that aloe vera effectively treats third-degree burn victims and it restores the burned skin faster. It is also known that a large amount of aloe vera gel can heal wounds of gunshots and tissue injuries.


4. Aloe vera benefits in reducing arthritis pain:

   Aloe vera is used for its amazing anti-inflammatory properties that work instantly on the pain and swelling resulting from arthritis. Its juice is extremely effective in calming the swelling and inflammation that are closely associated with arthritis conditions. In fact, topical application on swelling or drinking  aloe vera juice both show positive results in curing arthritis pain.


5. Helps in delaying the aging process:

   Aloe vera  has been a primary component in many skin products that help in retaining youthfulness through healthier skin. The added support of  aloe vera in any skin cream enhances its function as a wrinkle fader and skin rejuvenator. 

The anti-aging properties work on the skin and keep it fresh, supple, wrinkle-free and bright. The properties of  aloe vera make it penetrate quickly within the various layers of the skin, even down to the muscles of the body.


6. Helps in alleviating nausea:

   Nausea can occur due to a host of reasons, including consuming contaminated food, having a virus or flu, or even due to chemotherapy treatments. 

There are many man-made medicines for nausea, however nowadays doctors are also prescribing natural options for treatment. Oftentimes, nausea feelings originate from disorders in the stomach or in the digestive tract. 

aloe vera  juice is excellent for a sick stomach and makes a person feel better by bringing a calm feeling throughout the body. This indirectly helps to alleviate the feelings of nausea.


7. Soothes Acid Reflux Symptoms:

     Acid reflux is often wrongly known to be a disease, while it is actually just a symptom that involves heart burn and discomfort. Initially, one can try the natural remedy of consuming the soothing aloe vera  juice, which usually works effectively and initiates proper functioning. However, eating fried and processed food should be avoided.


8. Promotes Hair Growth

   Aloe vera  has proven to be an excellent option for promoting hair growth naturally. The hair products that contain it are essential to retain voluminous and healthy hair. A person can apply its gel on the entire scalp and hair to treat hair loss. It has an enzyme that is beneficial in stimulating hair growth. 

Aloe vera  shampoo improves blood circulation and keeps away from stress and mental strain. In fact, it has anti-inflammatory properties that effectively treat ‘Androgenetic Alopecia’. Using it regularly as shampoo and conditioner, helps to prevent the disturbing problem of premature hair loss.


9. Helps in lowering Cholesterol and Triglycerides:

   Aloe vera gel, when used internally, automatically improves the blood quality and thus helps in re-balancing the other components in blood like cholesterol and glucose. It effectively lowers cholesterol and total triglyceride content. Blueberries are also powerful, cholesterol-lowering agents, thus one can imagine how great a natural remedy it can be if one combine blueberries and aloe vera.


10. Helps in curing gum diseases:

    Dental and gum diseases can be cured by aloe vera . One can try out this natural remedy at home by putting some aloe vera powder on a toothbrush, then brushing normally. The aloe vera powder soothes gums and cures any kind of infection or bruises. aloe vera  juice can also help in keeping gums healthy.


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