Benefits of horse gram
Benefits of horse gram:
Weight loss:
Horse gram is rich in fibers and proteins that play an essential role in weight loss programs. It has natural qualities that work as a fat burner and may reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase HDL (good cholesterol). The seeds are rich in fiber which is helpful to keep your digestive system active. High protein contents in horse grams help reduce the hunger hormone levels – ghrelin, which makes us crave less to eat, thus aiding weight loss.
Reduce blood sugar level:
Horse gram brings down the raised blood sugar level and brings down insulin resistance in the body too. This gram reduces the formation of insulin inside the body that helps control the blood sugar levels.
Lower cholesterol levels:
The horse gram contains lipids and fiber, which help control the LDL (bad cholesterol) in the blood. It eliminates the bad cholesterol that is stuck in the heart veins and reduces the risk of blockages.
Menstrual disorders and leucorrhoea:
When you have heavy bleeding during your cycle, horse gram may help you. It may maintain the levels of hemoglobin in the body as it is rich in iron. It also helps to reduce leucorrhoea when there are a burning and foul odor discharge from the vagina.
Urinary discharges
Foul and irritating urinary discharges can be disturbing and difficult to manage. It can cause inflammation, infection, and pain in the cervix as well as the vagina too. In this condition, horse gram can work magically to reduce the foul smell and help at the time of sexual arousal.
sperm count:
Horse gram contains significant amounts of calcium, phosphorous, iron, and other amino acids. These are essential nutrients that have been known to help increase sperm count in males. This is because these minerals promote increased blood supply to the male reproductive organs which helps improve sperm production. The amino acids contained in horse grams also help to increase enzymatic activity that is necessary for healthy sperm production.
Liver function:
Horse gram when consumed raw provides a healthy dose of essential plant-based nutrients like flavonoids and polyphenols. These are organic compounds that have hepatoprotective properties, meaning they protect the liver. These compounds also help ensure optimal functioning of the gallbladder. Therefore, horse grams are an essential food item that can help your body purify the blood and leave it detoxicated from unwanted chemicals.
Kidney stones:
Horse gram seeds have powerful doses of antioxidants which are a crucial ingredient needed to reduce and sometimes prevent the crystallisation process through which kidney stones are formed. Since kidney stones are formed by crystallisation and hardening of a collection of calcium phosphate salts in the kidney, the only way to break down these stones is the action of antioxidants that help to eliminate free radical particles (like calcium phosphate salts). Therefore, horse gram is often suggested as a dietary supplement by doctors to people who are suffering from kidney stones. It is usually the first line of home-based treatment for kidney stones, after the failure of which, surgical intervention is needed.
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